Monday, July 31, 2006

Minor Crisis - AVERTED!

There was a crisis in tuition class today.

I was slightly freaked out, but fortunately no one got least, not alot lah.

One of my tuition kids did the stupidest thing. He put the cap (you know the one that covers the tiny eraser?) from his mechanical pencil up his nose. And it got stuck! He's a quiet boy, so he did not say anything.

But then I noticed that he was picking his nose, but in a slightly awkward manner. So I asked him to stop and explain what he was doing. He had begun to panic by then, and there a little blood coming out from his nostril. I shouted for him to stop, and press the other side shut, and blow out hard from his nose.

The first blow brought from a slight shower of blood. I was thinking, oh my god...the idiot must have ruptured quite a few capillaries. He whined and said that it was still stuck, and tried to dig again...I had to shout again to ask him to blow his nose again.

I was so relieved to hear the little clink of plastic on the concrete floor. I then reprimanded him for doing such a foolish thing, and of course made an example to the rest of the class. may seem like a small thing, but still...whew...

Glad nothing terrible happened.

Went with Mom to make new spectacles today...SGD$128

Collecting next Monday! So happy! Hahhaa...

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