Monday, September 02, 2013

Babamon & Hamham


Things are finally working out...

Pretty fucking amazing... =)

Monday, May 20, 2013

Do I Miss You?

Em asked if I missed you...

Of course I do, but that's all I can do...for now anyways...

Thursday, May 02, 2013


It really hurts. It hurts so bad.

To know that I can't cook for you anymore.
To know that I can't see your smile anymore.
To know that I can't hear your voice anymore.
To know that I can't feel your embrace anymore.
To know that I can't watch you play video games anymore.
To know that I can't kiss your lips anymore.
To know that I pick the scabs off your back anymore.
To know that I can't tell you everything I feel anymore.
To know that I can't say 'I love you' anymore.
To know that I can't hear you say you love me back anymore.
To know that I have to be strong so that you can be strong.
To know that I have to hold back my feelings, words and thoughts so that I won't affect you anymore.

It hurts.

I still love you a lot, but I wish you only knew that it's possible to not be together and still love one another.

I only wish.

It hurts...

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

2012 into 2013

As I sit in my living room nursing a headache that has persisted since yesterday's failed lancing-lancing outing, I listen to the people screaming 'Happy New Year' and the fading 'thuds' of fireworks going off. I think I will take this time to write about what I am thankful for at this very moment:

1. A home that has water, electricity and gas.

2. A fridge that is full so that I always have something for myself and for others who come to my home.

3. A computer which allows me to surf the Internet, watch YouTube, download 'content', and write this post.

4. Family, whom I have come to realise are always there for me, just by being there for me.

5. Friends, who will always have my back, love me, hug me, kiss me and tell me things are going to be okay.

6. Kakis, who teach me to untap my lands first, and always remind me about the intricacies of the combat step and the 'stack' AND the importance of announcing my triggers. Lol

7. People, who come into my life to give me experiences that I will never forget, and teach me lessons I will always hold close to my heart.

8. Lovers, who make me stronger and remind me of the person I want to, and can, be.

9. The universe, for always planning things out for me as I struggle in this strange place we called Earth.

10. A heart, body, mind and soul to experience the wonder that is all around me.

Here's to a crazy tough 2012, and I am looking forward to a challenging, amazing 2013. :)