Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sure-fire ways to make me jealous...

Just send pictures that look as good as these...

PS: Just so you know...these were definitely HOME MADE...

Picture1: pancake/flapjack/hotcake thingy with a wedge of peach, fresh cream, maple syrup and a sprinkling of cinnamon and spice.

Picture2: a homemade quiche taught by a French girl...

I am so jealous...I wanna learn how to make quiche from a French girl too! Wargh!

Monday, April 14, 2008

In all so many words...

This is how my Dad says, "I Love You"...

I guess I suddenly was present to how he insisted that he prepare food for me even though I arrived home unannounced and he had not actually prepared my share. I tried to fight him off, saying that it was okay that he did not prepare my share, but he insisted that I take some anyway, and made sure he prepared a plate for me.

I only thought about all this as I was eating the chicken chop, and suddenly, there it was again...that tingly feeling inside...it's been awhile since I felt that tingly feeling...

Food prepared with love really tastes different...but you have to want to taste it, or at least be present/aware to what is plain to see....you really have to...
