Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Wind Did Change

Excited! Hesistant! Confused!

I know not whether to feel excited, or disappointed
I know not whether to welcome a new guest, or an old friend
I know not whether I will still be charged with zeal, or mellow with familiarity
I know not whether what may come from this meeting of two beings,
so who am I to decide what is the outcome before it even takes place?

Notus! Oh, the wind god that you are, you play tricks on me.
I am blinded by your nimble movements, and enchanted by your mercurial nature.
Like the wind that you are, you have changed and may change still
But I know that in my heart I am curious, and hungry to find out what is it that rests within me.
Be it zeal, or familiarity, all things happen for a reason,
and I anxiously await your coming.

Summer storms or autumn showers.

Gasp. Sigh. Scream!

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