Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Quality Management Day

Today was the Political Association's retreat. We discussed our Vision, Mission and Key Performance Indicators. Unfortunately, I was late for a whole of TWO AND A HALF HOURS! And I even told Vincent to be on time lor...tsk tsk tsk to me!

Anyway, we finished with the discussion at about 5pm, but that was not the end of the retreat!

We were supposed to have dinner at Marina South, but the rain kept us in YIH, in our CCA room. So we did what all university students do when they are stuck in school, have no where to go for dinner, and no interesting new place to eat.

We order PIZZA...and KFC...hahaha...

And...we played Indian Poker, and 中级密码

I tell you was terrible! The forfeits we did (which mainly involved ingesting large amounts of food, or some terrible mixture of liquids and pastes and powders) really put most of ours palates to the test. I think I had chilli powder (the kind that pizza places always give), cheese powder, wheat grass drink, Coke Light, Coke Regular, and peach tea all churning in my stomach by the end of three or four rounds of 中级密码. After that, it felt like I had a demon child waiting to burst from my belly...

The flatulence was incredible as well...I cannot even begin to describe it, and I shall not even attempt to do so. Hahaha...let's just say that it was a demon child was about to spawn from my belly, and rip me to shreds with it's birthing. Gary even said he heard my stomach growling...hahaha...scary huh?

We had a lot of fun tonight lah..talking a butt load of rubbish over dinner, and Daniel doing excellent impression of a Cantonese man speaking heavily Cantonese accented English. Freaking funny...really enjoyed myself today.

Here are some quotable quotes from the evening:

PS: You are expected to say all these with Cantonese accented English to achieve maximum effect

"Blood is thicker than water!"

"Are you thirsty? You look very thirsty..."

"...the Curse of the Golden Bubbles..."

"You wanna showdown with me?!"

"I am sorry, there maybe some spillover."

I apologise to those readers who are not in the know...only those who were at tonight's event will know how all these quotes are said properly. Thanks to Daniel for skillfully executing all these wonderful lines in his excellent accent! *bows in respect*

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

梁咏琪 - 原来爱情这么伤

This song is super nice! Thanks to Bryan for introducing it to me! Perfect sad song for a perfect rainy day! The MTV is so sad...but the lyrics are super nice though...

我睁开眼睛 却感觉不到天亮
东西吃一半 莫名其妙哭一场
我忍住不想 时间变得更漫长
也与你有关 否则又开始胡思乱想

我日月无光 忙得不知所以然
找朋友交谈 其实全帮不上忙
以为会习惯 有你在才是习惯
你曾住在我心上 现在空了一个地方

原来爱情这么伤 比想像中还难
泪水总是不听话 幸福躲起来不声不响
太多道理太牵强 道理全是一样
说的时候很简单 爱上后却阵脚大乱

我日月无光 忙得不知所以然
找朋友交谈 其实全帮不上忙
以为会习惯 有你在才是习惯
你曾住在我心上 现在空了一个地方

原来爱情这么伤 比想像中还难
泪水总是不听话 幸福躲起来不声不响
太多道理太牵强 道理全是一样
说的时候很简单 爱上后却阵脚大乱


原来爱情是这样 这样峰回路转
泪水明明流不干 瞎了眼还要再爱一趟
有一天终于打完 思念的一场战

Hope everyone likes the song...umm...I don't think I can do a translation for this...I'm just not that good at translations. Sorry my non-Chinese friends (feel free to bitch/scold/irritate me at your leisure!) ^_^

Sunday, December 24, 2006


Pictures that I love, people that I love...there are more, so I will probably make another one. At home on this rainy Christmas Eve...I think I will make some hot soup, and toast some bread, and watch a holiday movie. The weather is right for that. =)


many thoughts, flashing and fleeting
many feelings, old and older
many wishes, unfulfilled and secretly desired

the baring of souls, confusion produced
the honesty of it all, ultimately sweet
the impossibility of it all, crushingly painful
the sadness that follows, most numb

my eternal sighing
when ever will it end?
will it?

Long Overdue Food Post

Went a bit crazy...the various dishes were part of my gastronomic experience during the last month or so. Very very nice food...I love Singapore! So much to eat, too little time and money though...hahaha...


Friday, December 22, 2006

Taiwan Spanner

I was heading out for tuition. I got on the bus, and one bus stop later, my kid's mother calls me to tell me that they have no gas at home. Which means that they have yet to start dinner (and we certainly cannot have tuition before dinner), so she asked me to come at 730pm instead.

Sigh, today was the one hour session, which meant that if I started at 645pm (which was my initial intention) I would end at 745pm, and then I can make my way back to Yishun! Tonight I am going to build my storm/suspend deck! Inspired! HAHAHA...

Well, I guess having to go half an hour later means that I can post this entry and take my belt which I had forgotten to take earlier. I am going to watch Curse of the Golden Flower tomorrow with Matt and Ding I think...heard that Gong Li was excellent, and that Jay Chou acts as bad as he sings.

Heading out in 10 more minutes...will be at Yishun tonight, so contact me on my handphone if there's anything important yeah?


Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Quiet Friendship

slippery slippers on our feet
large waffles for lunch (actually it was breakfast)
with ice cream - white and black
heavy rains kept us indoors,
yet reaching us with its coldness all the same
walking to the library, under a purple umbrella
chilling out there for four hours straight
and then lousy steak by Han's
we didn't talk that much
but i loved it all the same
i guess we've always had a quiet kind of friendship

i've missed you dearly since the last time we went out
i guess you are busy (so you always say and so i always complain)
sometimes i think that we have grown distant,
but i do not dare to ask if its true.
i certainly enjoyed the time we spent together today though
so thank you for the quiet afternoon
admist the wind and rain
and i'm glad that we have this quiet kind of friendship

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Miles Into The Rain

He stretched out his limbs and blinked slowly. It was only 3pm, but the room was so very dark. There was the sound of traffic and the gentle pitter-patter of rain. He looked at his window, and saw on of his two curtains billowing out into the rain. The white cloth had turned a dirty grey, wet from the rain. The curtain licked hungrily at the treetops, almost as if it it wanted to tear itself from the window - to fly away into the gloomy afternoon.

Miles snuggled deeper into the covers, enjoying the smooth cotton on his bare skin. He did not want to get up from bed, but there was only that much napping a boy can do. He climbed down carefully, glancing out of his window as he did. It was raining heavily...and there was a cool breeze coming in as well. "The sky is probably making up for the wonderful sunny weather from the day before", he thought.

Time to cook some soup and toast some bread...

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Chrysanthemum Stage

The light of your tears, carry hurt within its gentleness
The pale crescent moon clings on to the past
Nights that last too long, have now become frosted
Who is that in the building, with a hope, so lost, and cold?

The rain gently falls on the bright red window
My entire life seemingly written on paper now blown to pieces by the wind
A dream in the distance becomes a wisp of fragrance
That follows the wind and scatters your image

Chrysanthemums wilt and litter the ground with hurt
Your smile has yellowed
The falling flowers cause grievous hurt as my feelings quietly trickle away
The North Wind flustered and Night that has yet seen Dawn
Your shadow which never disappears
You leave me all alone as I watch pairing of the lake’s surface

Flowers bending towards Night, floating down to brightness
Fate cannot withstand the aging path of the world
Worry that has yet crossed the river as worried heart is cleft in half
To fear that you may never reach land and spend an eternity swaying in the waters

Whose lands feel the cacophony of hooves?
The entirety of my military attire howls the vicissitudes
Your soft sighs under a sky just before dawn
through a night of sorrow most subtle

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Spell Casting

Caution: Use this only in dire circumstances (or if you're feeling sadomasochistic)

The Way To Frustration Spell


1 portion - double standards
1 portion - deadlines
1 portion - false impression
1 portion - misunderstanding
2 portions - irresponsibility
2 portions - expectation
3 portions - clashing principles
5 portions - thinking too much
half portion - filler statements
half portion - condescending statements


1. Make sure you are in a quiet place by yourself.
Do this spell at night as that's when the connections with the Earth Mother are strongest.

2. Place all the ingredients into a earthen bowl.

3. Mix everything and recite the following poem as you do so:

Ancient insecurities
Perennial subjectives
Dark corners of the soul bind these foul beings.
Bind them fast, hold them close.
Hug them like I would a teddy bear
Nurse them like I would a babe
Raise them up so that they can wreak havoc
On all that I hold dear.
Of me, by me, from me.
So have I willed it,
So mote it be.

4. Drink the mixture over a period of one week to achieve maximum frustration.
If you are desperate for a quick fix, you can inject it intravenously.
It has been said that you can heat it until all that is left is a fine powder (which is excellent for snorting) that is easy to carry around. However, it is believed that this concentrated form of Frustration can only be withstood by the strongest (or the most foolish) of souls.

Disclaimer: This is NOT a real Wicca spell! But we do it all the time...sometimes with all the ingredients, sometimes with less, sometimes with more...but we all do it. Try casting this spell less will be surprised at the results.

Troll Farming

This is what I've been doing a lot of lately...TROLL FARMING! You see my sexy Elementalist? Chio right? Well, she's currently killing them dumbass trolls inside the wonderful MMORPG, Guild Wars!

Usually they die really fast cos' they will crowd around me and let me kill them with my spells...sadly after ONE ENTIRE SEMESTER, they apparently upgraded the trolls' AI! Now, they are super clever, and will only attack you if you attack's not enough to get them into your aggro circle! Argh...annoying...

This means it takes longer to farm them...ah well...I still killing them stupid trolls...I wonder if they did the same to the Minotaurs...maybe I should give them a shot...heh

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Too Much...

grooved to deafening beats two nights in a row
holding the Sun in my left and the Moon in my right
two days i took to recover (playing GuildWars intermittently of course)
slayed trolls, birdmen, and an ancient dragon
glad i captured that Shield Of Deflection
Guild Wars ROX!
slept for hours so irregular even i am scared now
project behind schedule, time to rev up that motor of mine
seriously, can more interest be shown please?
i can only push myself that far...grrr...

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Random Rant

So I head to the toilet in YIH meaning to take a leak and lo and behold, what greets me when I step into the cubicle? A toilet with its seat down, and a nice splashing of urine on it! I cannot for the life of me understand why people are SOOO inconsiderate?

I mean, if I wanted to take a crap, then I would either have to clean the urine up with a tons of toilet paper (to prevent any of that asshole's bodily fluids from touching me, and killing a few trees in the process), or go to another toilet (which is NOT what you want to do when you really have to go to the little boys' room). These people are gross, and totally not civic-minded at all...the annoying little shit(s).

Ah well...time to start studying again for my last paper..even though I have TOTALLY NO DRIVE's called the Last Paper Syndrome I guess (and everyone around you playing and celebrating doesn't help as well).

I just finished having my lunch, and there was this IDIOT of a girl who was shouting in her friend's face (who obviously still had a paper or two to finish, judging from the notes she was poring over), "I'VE FINISHED MY EXAMS, I'VE FINISHED MY EXAMS!" I was sooo tempted to throw my plate of nasi padang at her face, but I know better than to waste good food on a fat ass girl who talks too loudly. Can you imagine how annoying it is to shout in someone's face, gloating over the fact that you've finished all your papers while they quietly suffer, and refuse to flare up at you for fear of deflated your exuberance?

Whew...I shall now consume my slice of papaya, load up on beta-carotene and ATTEMPT to read a bit more about allophonic change and rules governing syllabification and word stress...yeesh..

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

More Mai-Otome Madness! (M.M.M.)

Here's a picture of some stills that show our main character Materialising into her robe!

Did I mention that I LOVE VirtualDub and Adobe ImageReady?! I DO! I really, REALLY DO!

舞-乙HiME, Mai-Otome Zwei!

I've just downloaded the latest OVA of the Mai-Otome series! And yes, the Otome are back with a vengeance, peace throughout the kingdoms, and a FUNKY NEW BADDIE! (and no, it's not Nagi, or Nina gone mad...hehehe)

Here is Arika Yumemiya, 蒼天の青玉 Sōten no Seigyoku (Azure Sky Sapphire), in some of her combat glory.
(Note: She now wears the TRUE form {Ultimate Azure Sky Sapphire} of the robe, like her mother before her.)

To all my friends who watch, and love the Mai-Otome series with me, JEALOUS OR NOT?!?!


OK lah, I will bring the first episode for you soon ok?! ^_^

PS: Check out the animated GIF I made myself at the right! Chio right?

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Boy, The Wind and The Rain

Boy was on his way home from his institute of learning. He was on the bus and as usual he was quickly lulled to sleep by the gentle rocking motion of the moving vehicle. This always happened and usually everything and everyone disappears and becomes non-existent. Boy snoozed till he came to his bus stop, but it was already too late to alight, and so, he missed his stop. As he kept himself awake so as not to miss the next stop, Rain arrived.

Rain fell from the grey skies, and pelted everything heavily and zealously. Boy liked Rain. He stared out at Rain, watching Rain do its thing. It was fun. Boy finally reached his stop, and alighted. He looked around at Rain and noticed that Wind was here too. Wind and Rain were good friends and were hardly ever apart. Boy wished he had a good friend like that too. Boy decided that Rain and Wind were playing too enthusiastically, and decided to buy himself a hotdog first. He finished his hotdog (with ketchup, chilli sauce and mustard) and walked to the entrance of the building.

Rain and Wind were still at it.

Boy decided to cross the overhead bridge and buy some groceries for his dinner later. He stepped into the supermarket and bought tubular pasta! He had been wanting to try it for ages already. He also purchased a can of sauce and a small tin of tuna. A simple dinner for a simple boy. As he stepped outside of the building, he noticed that Rain and Wind were less active. They were probably tired from all that frolicking on the streets and across the roof tops of vehicles.

Boy crossed the bridge again, and ran all the way to his bus stop. Rain did not let him remain dry at all, and pelted (gently) with heavy drops. Boy suddenly had an epiphany as he ran and felt the draps on his skin. The smell of Rain (and Wind) brought back memories of old, from Boy's childhood. There were days when Boy played with Rain, and reveled in Wind's gentle caress. Those days were days of innocence - the Age of Innocence. Alas, those days are but a distant memory...

Boy looked wistfully at the grey skies overhead, and listened as Rain became more energetic again...the sounds of the city were all painted on a canvas of Rain and Wind. Boy sat at the bus stop, resting and wiping a drop of water from his forehead, at the same time, Wind came and gave a gentle kiss on Boy's face. Memories flooded back, wistful, poignant and almost forgettable.

Boy, Rain & Wind...when will they all play together again?

Is Dressing Up An Earthshaking Event?

Seriously...I cannot, for the life of me, understand why people make such a big fuss over people who dress up?

I mean, I can wear a shirt for fun right? Cannot meh? Just feel like dressing up what! Must dressing up constitute having some big social event that I am attending? Like a wedding, or a date or the like?

Just because the majority of the student population likes to look like they just got out of bed, does not mean I do. And it's not like I do not do THAT kinda look, but sometimes a guy just feel like being different you know?

SORRY for not conforming to YOUR NORMS...but I honestly don't give a shit.