Monday, December 05, 2011

Dinner at Wild Rocket

So I was having dinner with Theresa at Wild Rocket last night and it was amazing. The food was well balanced, and the ambience was nice and cosy, and the service - enthusiastic and prompt. Perfect for a dinner for two.

Granted the long walk, I mean, climb up Emily Hill was you say... Tiring? Lolx~

Anyhow, at the end of the dinner, I started cooking up some story about why the restaurant was called Wild Rocket (the story was about a 'wild' space rocket pilot who has become infamous for flying recklessly) and Theresa actually believed me!!!

She didn't know that rocket was a kind of lettuce!!! For the entire first 95% of my tall tale, she actually bought it!!!

Hilarious lor....

Anyway, here are some photos of what we ate:

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Business Times?

I am attempting to read the Business Times.

I am FAILING terribly. It's so freaking boring to me!

Boohoo! :(

Friday, June 24, 2011

Print to PR

This blog post marks the end of my first week of work as an Account Manager at a PR & Marketing Consultancy. It's been an exciting week with many hectic moments, slow moments and weird moments. I think it's difficult to say whether I will be able to get myself confirmed as a member of the company, but things are looking up for now.

There is a lot of freedom involved in the current work, and I get to do things at my own pace (which surprisingly is pretty fast! But I'm sure it's just 'new job' enthusiasm). I also LOVE the location. I have a direct bus to work, and I have the keys to the office, so there's a lot of... I don't know... 'power'?

I have a MacBook Pro to fiddle around with for work, and it's fun talking to my boss. It's not that difficult to connect, but I just have to be wary of her bitchiness (but hey, pot calling the kettle black yeah? =P). I like that I get to wear ALMOST whatever I want to work... (Today, I'm in a black polo, jeans, and my trucker cap.)

I was doing the whole 'put-on-a-business-shirt-and-roll-the-sleeves-up' thing for the first half of the week, and pairing that with a tie (I really like that look... Hehs). I especially liked this look (see below):
Black tie on pink shirt! =) Love it. Oh, this photo was taken with the Photo Booth program on my MBP (that's MacBook Pro for you non-Mac users). I am such a camwhore now... NOT GOOD, I tell you. Lolx!~

Anyway, I think that's all I really wanna say about my first week at work. Now just waiting for time to fade away, and for my work week to end! Pay's coming in next week, so I'm excited! Ka ching! $$$ =)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pinkdot 2011

I'm excited about Pinkdot this year. =)

Pinkdot 2009

Things that move me... =)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Emo Memo...

It's been a long while since I've blogged about anything, but tonight seems to be the time to really do some journalling to help clear my mind a little.

I just realised that the current state of my romantic relationships really sucks, and that I feel so stuck. I feel like I've hit a glass ceiling amongst all the potential people I have in my life. I can see the various possibilities ahead, but there is no way I can actually move ahead in anyway. This seriously is the story of my life, and I just feel so trapped.

I feel stupid, dumb, useless and totally not in control. I wish there was a way I could just be able to be happy for once and not have to worry about this or that. Why can't things be easier for me? Why can't I find someone who can really make me happy? Why is it that I STILL have to suffer through all this nonsense despite all the training and 'consciousness' I have? Why do I always build such amazing connections, but they all cease and desist at a certain point?

I still feel like I am still always and only 'the best friend'. I'm quite tired of that. Honestly, but I have no idea how to break free of this trap. It's at time like these when I wish I didn't get so close to certain people. Or that I don't have certain feelings for certain people. I don't get why I have to still be so controlled by these emotions and thoughts.

Aren't I supposed to be the more 'evolved' one? The one who is supposedly more in control? Bullshit sia... Life sucks...

I hope I can get through this. Cos it feels like I'm about to hit a brink of some kind of breakdown again. The pain is building up. I can sense it coming... if it's not already here.