Friday, July 28, 2006

Bangkok was GREEAAAAAAT! (part2)

Ookkokok....time for PART 2!!!

So after the spa day, we were totally relaxed sia...and with smooth faces and bodies we headed back to the hotel. That time it was already 7pm BKK time you it was dinner at KFC, and taxi back to the hotel.

The following day, it was Weekend Market day (I'm not sure about the spelling, but I think it's Chatuchuk Market?)!!! This place is damn big lah...cannot finish walking one, and it so damn bloddy hot, that everyone had perspiration dripping down their thighs...eeesh...gross... But I guess it's all part of the experience. Hahaha....flood you guys with pics of the sights and sounds there now I goes..

As you can see, there are a lot of interesting sights.
From top:
Clock tower,
supposedly busy street (everyone is inside, trying to escape the heat),
many cute animals for sale..some going for as low as 100baht!,
nice looking, but horrible to eat waffles,
very good pork noodle soup (30baht only!!!),
various finger food (all fried of course),
super deformed Man of Steel & Dark Knight.

We spent a total of two days in the market. The first day was to recce the area, then we compared purchases, then we went back the second day to whack the shops again! It was great fun man...I totally enjoyed myself. Sunday night was our final clubbing night, so we definitely made it count. The club we went to closed at 2am, so that's pretty early for a club, but we still made it work man...I had the most fun on Sunday night. Kudos to all who made it so fun!

Tried taking a picture of the club, but as you can tell, Nokia 6125 doesn't do well in low-light conditions. This was taken from the 3rd floor. Very cool. ^_^

Our final day was spent doing last minute shopping. Some of the friends we met there had not been to Platinum Mall yet, and when we found out, we were suitably stunned, and held our tongues in horror for a good minute or so. Of course, we recovered fairly quickly, and head out to rectify such a dastardy mistake. What did we do? Bring them there lor...hahaha

(We also shopped at MBK, but I neither found anything interesting, nor did I see any good buys. That is why you did not see me mention anything here. )

Big shopping mall...but so-so nia...

So on the last day, an entire ENTOURAGE (I think this is an appropriate word here) trudged down to Platinum Mall for shopping and lunch.


New found friends... (not forgetting the one taking the picture of course)

Before we knew it, it was time to head back to the hotel before we leaving for the airport sad...but it had to end lah, as is such with all good things in life. But I really did enjoy myself, and was glad to be on my way home to my sunny island...

Well, it was an excellent shopping trip. Maybe next time, I will actually try to do some sightseeing. I think the most non-shopping things I did here was the spa, and praying to the 四面佛 (four-faced Buddha). I did not take any pictures of the Buddha, cos I guess I just feel weird taking pictures like that, like not supposed to take like that you know?

Now, let me present the MISCELLANEOUS PICS section. Here you will see random pics from the trip, most out of point, but nice nonetheless. ^_^

In Thailand, the 'Golden Arches' are truly GOLD!
Not the cheap, plasticky yellow stuff you see elsewhere.

Everyone who is tourist will have a similar picture. Bert, Marcus and myself insisted that as tourists, we had our tourist rights, and hence, it was totally ok for us to do such tourist-esque things! Sawadee khrub!

Very chao ah beng hor? But I tell you, after 3-4 hours of shopping, you'll be surprised the amount of comfort this position offers tired legs. Haha...we then understood why Ah Bengs love this position. It really is damn SHIOK! And damn Singaporean lah... LOL

As opposed to squatting, there is always just blatant sleeping.
Whatever works man, whatever works...

Pretty lights for your room?
But of course, you risk making it look like a red-light district.

Dorothy! We've reached the Emerald City! Let's go see the Wizard of Oz!

Somebody's deprived...

Wrath of God: Destroy all creatures in play. They cannot be regenerated.

Yes, someone brought MINI MAHJONG! We had to try it out lah...
I think I still owe somebody 12baht...hahaha...

beautiful...don't you think...
first night in BKK...

A lucky...
last day in BKK...

I will definitely go to Bangkok again if I get the chance! Totally enjoyed myself there. So happy. School's going to start soon...can't wait to see all my friends (both old and new) again! Yay!!! Exciting!

PS: Here are some heartfelt thanks to some of the people who impacted me on this trip

BJ - You know I was so apprenhensive about going on this trip with someone I totally did not know. But I totally enjoyed your company throughout! I had a lot of fun! Seeya in school man! Cheers!

PB - I am glad that we went of this trip together. Thanks for asking me, and organising it. ^_^

Vi - thanks. ^_^

Aeron, Lionel and Dan - it was super fun meeting you guys. I had a blast man. Totally enjoyed your company. And Dan, you dance like an animal...heh... See you all in school. Remember, if you need help, we're here for you (at least I definitely am lah...hahaha)

Mish - it was so good seeing you during the trip. Thank you for showing us around when you could, and being such great company. The guys loved you of course...hahaha

Marcus and Bert - glad we went on this trip together. getting reacquainted was important...been too long already. Catch up again soon! ^_^

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