Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Work for the hols...and Mom's birthday.

Just started working with Teng Nging today. Helping her with the sorting and entering of data from surveys regarding Immunology or something. Spent the most part of the day organising the survey forms into respective schools and also in the order of each form's serial number. Tough man...eyes a little blurry now.

Well, working in Medicine Faculty is indeed different. I realised that the Medicine Library is SOOO different from the Central Library lah. It's very conducive for study one. I's EXTREMELY quiet, which is perfect for someone like me (I'm supposed to be what they call 'low-monitoring'...which is supposed to mean that I have a low threshold for noise/distractions)

Well, I expect to be busy with this data entry job for the good part of May...at $7/hr, it's not too bad I guess. Thanks Teng Nging for the offer!

Going to get back to work...finished sorting liao, so now must do data entry lor...sighz....WARGH!!!
Yesterday was LABOUR DAY right? My mom's birthday! We visited the Istana...it was very VERY interesting! SO many things are so different in the place lor...the grounds were super super nice too...golf course, a huge variety of flowers and large open spaces. Here are some pictures!

The gates to the main grounds. Old and rustic. ^_^

My uncle said this, "Charity starts at The Istana" LOL...

There you go...The Istana!

One of the MANY other flowers inside. ( I put this one cos' I feel it's the nicest flower pic that I took :))

Queen Victoria...poor gal relegated to some obscure corner of the grouds. Haha

Picking this conversation:

Me: Look! It's Queen Victoria!

Mom: Why is her noce brown...

Me: Dunno.

Mom: Do you think it's from insects?

Me: Aiyah, I know already! She never do her THREE-STEP! Hahaha.

I think is the first reflection of Singapure and it's CMIO (Chinese, Malay, Indian & Others).


After our 'adventure', we went to 老北京食堂, which I've always learnt!!! I bought Mom that meanl sia..lol

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