Sunday, May 07, 2006

Audio Technica - BAGUS!!!

I know I just posted, but I just tried out my new earphones that I bought, and they're so good that I simply have to gush about them! My Shuffle's earphones sorta went crazy, so I've been using this pair of totally mismatching Sony earphones lah...this is the pair I bought:
Nice right? I bought the white one...I mean my Shuffle is white mah, so might as well get it right? They're called inner ear headphones...I used to diss them cos' I thought it was a little gross sticking these things so far into your ears that they'd actually touch your wax....yucks! But now that I've tried them...GAWD! The sound, I tell you.....whooowheeeeeee.....

Even on a low volume setting you can hear the sound lor...and I am NOT an audiophile and yet I am gushing about these noise-cancelling they have to be some good right? I think I will never listen to music the same way fact, I think I will never notice an approaching car as well! Hahahaha....

The entire package comes with 3 different sizes for the earphones, and also a little black pouch! Quite a lot of value added I think...I am SERIOUSLY impressed. :)

And the best part? The entire thing only cost $30! I mean compare that to our 'friends' who are more 'up-market'...not a bad deal at all. I am suitably all that's left is to see if it stands up to the test of time...BUUUUUT then again has ONE (Y)EAR (yes, lame I know...couldn't resist...heh) WARRANTY leh! Another amazing thing be sure to keep your receipts guys! ^_^

(whew, so ends my shameless promoting of my new INNER EAR HEADPHONES..oops...there I go again)

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