Why 'silly me'? well...in my eagerness to 'suan' Beth about her multiple head traumas as the main explanation to her (lack of) seemingly (ab)normal mental capabilities, I did not realise that I was tagged (I was the first two people who responded in the 'Comments' box...DAMN!)
So here goes:
Once you’ve been tagged, write a post with 24 interesting facts/things/habits about yourself then tag 6 other people.
1. I still watch cartoons religiously..and since I've no cable/SCV at all...I'm stuck with Kids Central...(dang it, Cartoon Network is SOOOO much better, but God save me if I ever get my hands on that channel...I may never leave home again)
2. My front incisors DO NOT meet...it's a jaw thing... (I bless the powers that be, that I do not talk with a lisp/air doesn't escape involuntarily...well, not all the time at least...oral examinations during Primary/Secondary school days ALWAYS yielded distinctions for me ok?)
3. I am still OVERWEIGHT.
4. I love to eat fried bee hoon mixed into porridge (I really should stop bitching about people who eat French fries with Sundaes...hahaha)
5. My right calf is bigger than my left calf.
6. I have a bit of pencil lead stuck in my right knee when I accidentally stabbed myself with a pencil. I was 8...
7. My eyes are BROWN...(maybe I'm a little wittle bit ang mo...hahaha)
8. I can shop with LOADS of STAMINA. Michele and Xiaomin once made me walk up and down Orchard Road (we are talking about from LIDO to Plaza Singapura and back again) FIVE FREAKING TIMES...and I survived! I've been well-trained girls, by the BEST.
9. I still play collectible card games (like Magic: The Gathering and Yu-Gi-Oh), and I'm proud of it!
11. I have so many cute friends it scares me...I think it's because of that I may have standards which are too high...sheesh...
12. I slipped on water when I was 6 and slashed my chin with one of those metal thingies you use to open biscuit tins. I needed 8 stitches and when it was happening, I wasn't even fully unconscious.
13. I'm balding.
14. Yes, I still pick my nose (don't you dare give me shit about this...at least I'm honest).
15. I like to turn on the air-con/fan/when the weather is cold, and then wrap myself in blankets and snuggle with my pillows. It's the whole, I-wanna-feel-cosy-and-safe thing.
16. I was in the Drama Club.
17. I once wetted an entire wad of toilet paper with water and threw it onto the ceiling...that was SO COOL!
18. I can curl my tongue up into a semi-tube...heehee
19. I believe everyone is GAY until proven NOT GAY. (This means they may still be bisexual you know...hahaha...this mantra applies especially to the homophobic individuals on this planet)
20. I am a bitch/bitchy (at times...OK OK...alot of the time).
21. I am attracted to the strangest of people...but they have certain common traits. This is the worst one - they are all insecure with themselves. Sighz...
22. I can sit in a full-Lotus position and bend over and almost kiss the ground. ^_^
23. I preen a lot in front of the mirror, but of course none of you actually know that...until now that is...hahaha
24. I am 3/4 non-virgin...haha...go figure.
That was quite fun, and I am most certain VERY VERY informative...hahaha...go try this out lah...quite interesting.
I tag : Aloy, Ting, Kelvin Tan, Jun, Des Ee, Ritchie!!!
(I think you all sure don't dare to do one...or too bloody lazy or something right?)
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