Tuesday, December 15, 2009

More from Copenhagen!

Okay, I promised that I'd blog, so that's what I am doing...

Here are some fun facts about being in Copenhagen during winter, or what I've experienced about this place so far:

1. It's gray all the time...sleet gray.
2. It gets all dark by 3pm.
3. Fingers, necks and other body parts exposed to the cold wind feel like they would break off anytime, so wrap up!
4. The bakeries here are amazing... none of that rubbish you get back in Singapore (save Provence). It's the real stuff; stuff you read about in Enid Blyton books; stuff that comes from fairytales and warm hearth fires.
5. Christmas lights here are done well and proper, nothing too fanciful, but traditional.
6. They have public showers! Cool stuff.
7. Their public transport system is just as (if not more) advanced as Singapore.
8. The pace of life here is S-L-O-W.
9. Work ends on time at 5pm, and ends at 4pm on Fridays, and people get to leave before that anyways, which means as early as 3+pm on Fridays!
10. The people are GOOD LOOKING. VERY good looking. =)
11. Denmark is 7 hrs behind Singapore.

That's all I can think of at the moment...

Anyway, yesterday, I visited Jule Tivoli (pronounce you-leh tee-vo-lee), which is basically Tivoli Gardens done up for the winter i.e. Christmas time. It was pretty spectacular for the world's oldest amusement park. I loved the cold, and I loved the lights. Here are some pictures:

The Main Entrance

One of many random trees littered around the entire park.

Arab/Indian styled building.

Glowing hearts on a tree. =)

Christmas tree... pretty with star on top and 'electronic snow' 'falling' from it.

UFO, spinning, thingy ride.

Chinese Pagoda.

Teddy Bear Shop!!!

Spinning-Flying Chairs Ride

A game stall.

Machine which auto-embroiders caps and others things.
I regret not making one; it would only set me back SGD$23. Ah well...

Funny Warning.
Imagine guards appearing and 'banishing' you from the 'land'.

I love this snowflake. It's really pretty.

That should do for now. It's dinnertime now! Yeah, it's only 6.13pm here, just in time for dinner!



lovelyloey said...

Ahem, the bakery is Provence. Not Provenance. :P But I haven't had anything from there.

Nil said...


I wanna be there too!