Friday, September 09, 2005

end of the week...finally...

It's the end of the week, however, it does not mean the end of work. I wish it could be as simple as before, where the end of the week really meant a full weekend's worth of doing nothing in particular and just relaxing. Alas, with no more higher power (read: the SAF) implementing discipline for me, I guess it's up to little ol' me to implement it myself.

For some cryptic and 'all-hail-the-cosmos' reason, I happen to have 3 projects (out of the 5 modules that I'm taking) to complete. They are all dastardly as it's been like 20 000 years since I last did any project (in an academic situation of course), and the thought does not thrill me. Anyhow, I must say that I have been generally blessed with amiable and 'workable' group members who are all either pretty decent, or down-right f***ing unbelievable! I mean, I have never met more capable people (leaves much room for self-doubt though...) ! Them, I truly thank for all their 'wonderful-ness' and 'hardworking-ness'.

Paul's coming over later to see the new room and at the same time show off all his excellent 'new toys'. I'm so jealous you know? I think it was like Christmas for Paul recently, like 'yao feng de feng, yao yu de yu'. Right, Paul? Hah! Happy until siao lor...ah well, some people have all the luck. I will 'an an fen fen de dang wo de qiong shu sheng', and you won't hear another peep out of me (actually I REALLY should not make promises I can't keep...mwahaha) For those of you who can read the han yu pin yin, too bad...I don't feel like translating.

*xj secretly curses all the newly bought electronic gadgets which Paul has acquired*

Anyway, I will go to sleep now. Sheesh, I seriously need to rethink sleeping so late every day...bad for health lah...

Good Night!

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