Monday, March 28, 2005

final post before departure...

Now slacking around in my grandparents' place again. I came down this morning to collect a shirt that I felt would match my bottoms best for the trip tomorrow morning (I'm such a vainpot man..) and of course, with this being one of the few places I have Internet, I would definitely have to log-on right? Haha...

Anyway, I'm supposed to go back to camp later to pick somemore documents which I had overlooked and really need to bring up to Taiwan. My packing is totally not done, so that's super crap. I think this is one of the few times I'm like so dis-organised (disappointed with myself). At this point in time, I'm still keeping my fingers crossed and hoping that nothing will go wrong, continually trusting that everyone I instructed to pass info to have done so, and that there won't be people forgetting to turn up at the airport or anything of the sort.

I am still pretty miffed about this entire Taiwan trip, mostly because I think it 'burned' my 21st birthday...I mean, it's just so monumentously crappy to spend your 21st in some banged up camp in ROC. Ugh, just makes me fume thinking about it. Of course I wasn't going to have some gigantic party or anything, but at least I would have like to be in the company of friends. Not that my camp mates are bad company, but I would like to be with my other friends as well. Well, I guess there's no real point crying over spilt milk, I mean, I knew this was going to happen from the start, so I really should stop bitching about it...(maybe a little more lah..haha)

Kit Loong called me yesterday. He was expecting me to fly off at the same time as him, 12 Apr, but I told him I was leaving on Tues. He was shocked, he thought to organise a little get together for me or something (super nice of him), but alas, that will never come to pass. He said he got Kar Meng and myself lugguage tags to use for our trip, but I doubt he'll be able to pass them to us. Thanks anyway Kit! Oh, talking about yesterday, remember Mish asked me out to dinner? Well, that terrible woman cancelled on me last minute! The nerve! I mean you spend so much effort needling me into going for dinner with you, then you last minute tell me you cannot...woman, cannot like that lah. I travel all the way to Tanah Merah, then you sudden;y tell me you have a meeting and have to cancel...can you imagine how I felt? Like I was totally played for a fool you know. You better make good on that promise of a good dinner when I return from Taiwan.

I still haven't finished my boss' homework, the silly war bulletin thingy. I was supposed to do three, but I only did up one. Wonder what will he say, but seriously, I don't really care. These kind of thing can be done over there. I mean, how in the world do I report on something which hasn't even happened yet? Impossible...will go back to camp later and see what he says.

Tonight, Jianhong said he would 'ton' (spend the night) with me in the airport. He said he would try to see if Cai's place was available, cos' it's near to the airport, but if cannot, then will just 'ton' with me nice of him right? You're the BEST, Hong! Haha...Mr Sim is truly generous with his time, I applaud him!!! (Standing ovation please... *grinz*) Later, I've still got to go and get my hair cut, and have dinner with Mom and dress up and head to the airport. So many things to do, and so little time.

Okay, I think I should more or less stop already. Let me say goodbye to all my friends/family:

1. Paul & Nic - thanks for the dinner/company that night, it was really good meeting up and stuff, miss you loads.

2. Mish, Xiaomin, Jianping - sorry if I haven't been the best friend to you guys, will make it up to you when I get back ok? Promise.

3. Rusty, Kel & Ian (and Jospeh too) - thanks for being the best juniors anyone could wish for.

~Russ, thanks for organising the wonderful lunch yesterday so that all of us could get together. ~Ian, sorry I can't see you toss your cap, but I'll pray for you. Don't worry about your posting, you'll do fine in everything, I know you will.
~Kel, sorry never ever contact you for so long, but it was really good seeing you again. Take care!
~Joseph, even though you didn't come for the lunch, it's ok. Would have like to see you though, hope you're doing well.

4. Jianhong - thanks for being so nice and agreeing to accompany me in the airport tonight. Take care, and we'll meet up when I get back okay?

5. Jeff/Michael - sorry didn't meet up with you guys this week to play deck, esp Jeff. I will miss you both dearly. Really glad I got to know you two. Really great buddies. Take really good care of each other and yourselves ok? I'll be back soon, then we can get together and play deck again.

6. Mom - thanks for always being there for me, and doing all the little things which I usually forget or am too lazy to do. Thanks for all the advice and the love you have given to me. Love you Mom! *hugs*

7. L'il Bro - please be good and continue to study hard ok? Important year for you, but I know you'll be fine. See you soon!

8. To anyone I missed out - sorry if I missed you out, but please feel free to drop me an SMS/call, and scold the hell out of me ok? I'll be here to take your scolding. Love you too! *grinz*

Okay, people...Taiwan, here I come! Be back in Singapore in about a month's time. Pray for me.


1 comment:

Lemming said...

You forgot one of your adoring fans down under me cuz!!

I remember doing war bulletins, an exercise of crapdom.... the day offs weren't tt bad either =P

All the best for Taiwan, just hold back on the chicks yeah?