Saturday, March 05, 2005

excellent morning...

i've just had a great morning...

1. Wake up.
2. Drink a glass of water, followed by Florida's Natural 'Most Pulp' juice...REFRESH!
3. Dress up, head to camp (boss wants to meet me to 'co-ord').
4. Decide to go to gym to workout since am early (only good thing to come of this this morning).
5. After 3rd/4th set of bench presses, boss calls.
6. We chit-chat for a bit...gave a verbal update on the happenings of the week.
7. Boss asks if we could meet tmr (BAAAD VIBE courses thru body)
8. I give a non-committal 'Errr...'
9. I give a reluctant 'Ok lor...'
10.Boss will meet me on Monday morning instead (after more 'Err..'s and 'Ok lor...'s)

Final Verdict: Excellent morning...juice, exercise and a healthsome dose of irritation... REFRESHING!!!


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