Friday, January 12, 2007

Dragonhunters and Dragonmen

Today's tuition was a different experience. I brought my Taiwanese kid to the library. As usual, he was totally 'opinion-less' (which I know for a fact is untrue, and he's just insisting that he does not think that he going to the library is a total waste of his time). Anyway, the aim for today was to get him to pick up a book and start reading it.

It wasn't too...we spent an hour reading about Dragonhunters and Dragonmen (yes, I ended reading the book too, just so that he would not feel that bored you see) and I really enjoyed all six chapters that I read. It was quite an interesting spin on the old tale of Sir George and the Dragon. I hope my kid will like it lah...he was sooo lazy lor. He wanted me to pick a book for him, and I was like, "NO...the whole point is that you choose a book that looks interesting for you."


Well, I am home now, and I think I will stay in Depot tonight. The weather is TOOO good for me to head all the way back to Yishun man. I shall stay in and rot tonight...

And maybe play GuildWars or Bejeweled...heee

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