Caution: Use this only in dire circumstances (or if you're feeling sadomasochistic)

1 portion - double standards
1 portion - deadlines
1 portion - false impression
1 portion - misunderstanding
2 portions - irresponsibility
2 portions - expectation
3 portions - clashing principles
5 portions - thinking too much
half portion - filler statements
half portion - condescending statements
1. Make sure you are in a quiet place by yourself.
Do this spell at night as that's when the connections with the Earth Mother are strongest.
2. Place all the ingredients into a earthen bowl.
3. Mix everything and recite the following poem as you do so:
Ancient insecurities
Perennial subjectives
Dark corners of the soul bind these foul beings.
Bind them fast, hold them close.
Hug them like I would a teddy bear
Nurse them like I would a babe
Raise them up so that they can wreak havoc
On all that I hold dear.
Of me, by me, from me.
So have I willed it,
So mote it be.
4. Drink the mixture over a period of one week to achieve maximum frustration.
If you are desperate for a quick fix, you can inject it intravenously.
It has been said that you can heat it until all that is left is a fine powder (which is excellent for snorting) that is easy to carry around. However, it is believed that this concentrated form of Frustration can only be withstood by the strongest (or the most foolish) of souls.
Disclaimer: This is NOT a real Wicca spell! But we do it all the time...sometimes with all the ingredients, sometimes with less, sometimes with more...but we all do it. Try casting this spell less will be surprised at the results.
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