Today was the Political Association's retreat. We discussed our Vision, Mission and Key Performance Indicators. Unfortunately, I was late for a whole of TWO AND A HALF HOURS! And I even told Vincent to be on time lor...tsk tsk tsk to me!
Anyway, we finished with the discussion at about 5pm, but that was not the end of the retreat!
We were supposed to have dinner at Marina South, but the rain kept us in YIH, in our CCA room. So we did what all university students do when they are stuck in school, have no where to go for dinner, and no interesting new place to eat.
We order PIZZA...and KFC...hahaha...
And...we played Indian Poker, and 中级密码!
I tell you was terrible! The forfeits we did (which mainly involved ingesting large amounts of food, or some terrible mixture of liquids and pastes and powders) really put most of ours palates to the test. I think I had chilli powder (the kind that pizza places always give), cheese powder, wheat grass drink, Coke Light, Coke Regular, and peach tea all churning in my stomach by the end of three or four rounds of 中级密码. After that, it felt like I had a demon child waiting to burst from my belly...
The flatulence was incredible as well...I cannot even begin to describe it, and I shall not even attempt to do so. Hahaha...let's just say that it was a demon child was about to spawn from my belly, and rip me to shreds with it's birthing. Gary even said he heard my stomach growling...hahaha...scary huh?
We had a lot of fun tonight lah..talking a butt load of rubbish over dinner, and Daniel doing excellent impression of a Cantonese man speaking heavily Cantonese accented English. Freaking funny...really enjoyed myself today.
Here are some quotable quotes from the evening:
PS: You are expected to say all these with Cantonese accented English to achieve maximum effect
"Blood is thicker than water!"
"Are you thirsty? You look very thirsty..."
"...the Curse of the Golden Bubbles..."
"You wanna showdown with me?!"
"I am sorry, there maybe some spillover."
I apologise to those readers who are not in the know...only those who were at tonight's event will know how all these quotes are said properly. Thanks to Daniel for skillfully executing all these wonderful lines in his excellent accent! *bows in respect*
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