Thursday, December 01, 2005

Feel the CUTENESS! (oh..Harry Potter: TGOF was a TAD disappointing)

Yiting! I never post anything because I am LAZY ok? Hahaha...anyway, I am posting something now. SO read until you shiok shiok ok? Wahaha.

My aunt arrived yesterday! So exciting! And in tow were Uncle Erik and of course, their adorable son, my fabulous cousin Gregers Nielsen (his name is actually longer, but I can't remember the exact order of all the words, so this is the shortest form...can't fault me here...heh)

My baby cousin is the cutest thing..he's damn funny. Giggles and smiles at most things (like me!) but last night he kept crying until 4am I think...strange place and strange time zone both do not agree with babies I guess. Anyway, today he's calmer and and seems a little more settled in. They are staying for an entire MONTH! That means Christmas this year will be excellent! SO happy. Hahaha...

Gregers likes to laugh, and he likes to show off that he can balance on his tummy too! He does a SUPERMAN (you know, where you raise all of your limbs off the ground and pseudo-fly?) Very CUTE! Haha...going to be a good December this year.

To Kill with Cuteness
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Ok ok, so the pics are little grainy, but see how much his cuteness still comes through? SO AMAZING! Hahaha...

Anyway, caught Harry Potter with Xinwei, Kelvin and Vincent...well...I was a little disappointed with the show. Too many chunks were left out, and since I'd read the book was pretty frustrating to know that many important or quite cool bits were not shown. Ah well...I guess you can't fit everything into 2 1/2 hours ay? I did, however, like the casting of the champions though. I felt they were all very true to how they were described in the book. Voldemort was excellent! Ralph Fiennes was absolutely marvellous! You could sense the evil EVIL...

Emma Watson was so pretty in pink (though it was actually supposed to be blue..haha) and she's really becoming such a pretty young thing..sighz...hope the fifth one will be better though. Fortunately for me, I had good company, so not a total loss. I went shopping before the movie..and I realised that I am so SO in need of retail therapy...ah for $$ first, then we talk about shopping...haha

Maybe I will get something nice for Christmas this year...heehee...I know a lot of relatives still 'owe' me 21st birthday presents...haha..but of course I wouldn't play that card against them lah... YET... Mwahahaha.... (mimics Voldermort's evil laugh...)

PS: I will be away this weekend and will only be back on Monday. However, if you desperately need to contact me, SMS/call me. I will still be contactable. Cheers!

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