Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The JS Indisgestion.

I am supremely jubilant today. I have finished one of my most hated exams and am so glad that I can finally say good riddance to the bloody thing. (Of course, 'bloody' is a very tame form of diction that I have chosen to employ. A more fitting form would run along the lines of 'fucked-up', 'KNNCCB', 'intellectually inept and handicapped'...aiyah, the list is endless...I really cannot stop expounding on it's many failings, so don't even get me started)

Anyway, doing the examination revealed to me many things. For example, I never studied for the silly thing, and contrary to my friend's philosophy (that we should work doubly hard for subjects we dislike because they will affect our CAP score if we do badly), I just cannot muster the vigour to actually start doing the freaking readings. For me, no passion/interest = no study/effort/work etc. Anyway, I found the paper extremely poorly constructed, and it generally epitomised rote learning...yucks! *balks*

Tomorrow is my last day of exams, and though I have two papers on the same day, both are modules I generally enjoy and will definitely have more interest and drive to actually do well for them. As such (considering the JS module now reeks of a C-), I should not be expecting too great a CAP score this semester. Of course all my friends tell me otherwise (and I sincerely thank all of you for that *hugz*), but I did the papers, and I know how well I did. Now the only thing that can save me is the power of the bell curve. Will I line the bottom of this bird cage of an institute of higher learning (which I still insist on calling SCHOOL, despite objections from various people), or will I actually be able to hover at mid-cage range? I do not know. I will only know my results nearing X'mas until then, I will enjoy the wait...sorta... *grinz*

On a happier note, my aunt (with husband and child in tow) will be arriving in Singapore soon! So exciting! Can't wait to see this mixed-blood baby cousin of time grow up confirm damn handsome wan...heehee... Very excited to see them! Can't WAIT! ^_^

Whew...I feel sufficiently purged of the evil taint (which is JS), and am empowered and invigorated to continue forging down this road of examinations...haha...will blog soon again...yay! Hahaha...

PS: I mentioned to Xinwei that I will hex the JS purporters of their bloody module such that the female one will actually start speaking PROPER ENGLISH, the 'ang moh' one to actually STOP sweating like a pig, and lastly, the Japanese one to GROW HAIR on his head!
(okay, the last one doesn't seem like a real hex, but I don't care lah...he was the most bearable of the three...SORTA...)

WOW...that was a truckload of vindictiveness man...can everyone feel the HATE?!?!?! Hahahaha
(the above section maybe be removed by the site adminstrator at anytime...though he seriously doubts he will)

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