Here's something strange.
Today's the first day of work for 2010, and I just arrived in office right?
So I'm on the phone with my colleague, and after we hang up, I notice something really strange on my cubicle wall. There's this plastic figurine of a Ninja Turtle (Yes, I'm talking about the turtles that mutated because of mutagen, and were trained by a similarly mutated rat master to be competent shinobi). It comes complete with a bo staffwhich spins around when you press a button on the back of the figurine.
So now I have this strange figurine on my table, and I have no idea who was the person who placed it there. was it meant as a gift? Was it meant as a warning? Was it meant as a joke? I have NO IDEA.
I DO however, have some suspects. But they aren't around today. So I shall wait till tomorrow. For now, I shall live with this mystery, and ponder upon it. LOL.
Here's the weird part: I'm NOT a fan of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but I did watch their cartoons religiously when I was younger. The funny thing is, my favourite turtle has always been Donatello (A. He's smart. B. His weapon of choice is a bo staff, and staffs are one of my favourite weapons.), and this particular figurine, is a figurine of Donatello. Soooo strange...
*cue Twlight Zone music*
1 comment:
I like Michelangelo!
Cos er...he's a glutton! =P
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