Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I love my brother!

I was having a conversation with my brother, and it was really funny.

Here's how it went:

Me: Yo, watcha doing?

Bro: Oh, I'm TUMBLR-ing...

Me: Huh? What's that?

Bro: It's like Twitter, but like blogging style.

Me: Oh I see.

Bro: OH! Have you heard about this thing that this guy said about Youtube, Twitter and Facebook?

Me: No. What did he say?

Bro: *announcer type voice* In the near future, users of YouTube, Twitter and Facebook will be able to access all three on a brand new collaborative platform called YouTwitFace.

Me: *laughs like a madman*

That was it...YouTwitFace...Classic man... Damn Funny.



xpingified said...

omg that's funny! haha.

xpingified said...
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