Friday, November 09, 2007


Just finished reading the was really nice. Here are some excerpts which I really liked (damn! the romantic in me strikes again):


"But I almost took you through with me!" said Tristan, aghast. "I tried to, last night."

"Yes," she said. "Which only goes to prove that you are indeed a ninny, a lackwit, and a...a clodpoll."

"Dunderhead," offered Tristan. "You always used to like calling me a dunderhead. And an oaf."

"Well," she said, "you are all those things, and more besides. Why did you keep me waiting like that? I thought something terrible had happened to you."

"I'm sorry," he told her. "I won't leave you again."

"No," she said, seriously and with certainty, "you will not."

His hand found hers, then. They walked, hand in hand, through the market.

I love the familiar banter between Tristan and Yvaine...sigh... =)

Now to watch the movie...sighz...

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