Monday, June 04, 2007

ICT 4th - 8th, Tanjong Gul Camp!

I will be having my first ever in-camp training until Friday! I'm actually quite excited to meet up with all my friends from my NSF unit! Heehee...

I have IPPT on Tuesday morning, and I know I'll probably fail terribly...sigh. I can so imagine the sergeant saying this:

"Sir! Come on Sir! You can do it!"

Sooo paiseh can? Haiz...what to do? When you let yourself go, you can only expect things like that. Well, I'm looking forward to seeing all my fellow officers again! We had fun times during our NSF days, so I hope the coming week will the same.

First day will be a bitch for me...confirm a lot of jokers AWOL, report late...blah blah blah...ah well...gambatte ne for me!

Seeya all next weekend!

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