Sunday, August 07, 2005

mindless ramblings

Let's see, what have I been up to the past few days. Not too much really. Just a gym session, a book fair, a movie and dinner with friends. I think I'm beginning to get the hang of the idea of working out at Cali gym at Raffles. I could really get used to the nice environment, especially when I visit during the off-peak periods. I mean, like that I can really get any machine as and when I want. So nice.

My body's aching now..too long never workout. My mom called me a wuss and said that it's good to ache. She said something about the body purging toxins or something. I guess when parents decide to go all 'sagely' and 'superior' on you, it usually works. Ah well, more motivation! Lose weight, get healthy and hopefully get a set of abs! Haahaa.

I then met Yixin for a by invitation only book sale. Super cheap can? She bought $200+ worth of books for only $43! I spent $21 on 5 books and a notebook that had my star sign on it (what?! I couldn't resist ok?).

All that was yesterday. Today I met Paul for Charlie and the Chocolate was great except for the parts where Burton kept flashing back to Wonka's past and his father. I mean that never happened in the book, so I felt it was totally redundant. I had read reviews commenting on that and how it was pointless, and now I totally agree. On the whole it was great, and I really enjoyed it. However, Paul did make an interesting comment. Compared to Chocolat (and both shows had plenty of chocolate in them), we did not feel hungry for chocolate after the show. And I distinctly remember feeling the extreme craving for chocolate after watching Chocolat though. Interesting... I think it's because the portrayal of chocolate in Chocolat was more sensuous and alluring, whereas in Choc Factory, it was more fantastic and abstract.

After the show, it was aimless roaming of Funan Centre where we met up with Nicholas. We then had dinner at Crystal Jade Kitchen with Xinwei too. It was nice..four friends who hadn't met up for a long time, talking about blending noisy little children, and how Singaporean Literature can make a person hurl at times, and how scholars can NOT have a mind of their own. These topics constituted the bulk of our over-dinner repartee (did I use this word right? hmm...) After dinner activities involved heading over to Essential Brew where we had tea. Alas, everyone ('cept for me) had much to comment about their teas. There was general displeasure amongst the four tea drinkers and that was too bad. I did run into my OG mate from NUS (she's working there), so embarrassing...somehow got the feeling she was trying to avoid me.

Then Paul decided to not come over to my place. I was looking forward to some heart-to-heart somemore lor, then he zhong4 se4 qing1 you3 and went to meet David instead. So terrible...


...okay lah...I understand, you can come over some other time then.

the mindless ramblings will end now...nitez...

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