Saturday, February 26, 2005

bdae party...happy...sad...whatever...

Last night was jianhong's bdae party...his 21st, but to be really technical, his 5th and one-quarter-th birthday (the dude's born on the 29th of Feb, leap year man!!!) will always be eternally young...haha

anyway, it wasn't too bad a party...i met up with weiquan, cal, kev & quah at paya lebar...then we attempted to walk to the place...The Waterina...this new condo that Hong is moving into soon...we super lost our way, and ended up backtracking and stuff...when we finally found the place, it was a good half hour spent man...heh.

hong invited quite a few groups of people...his family, the TEG, his camp pple (us and his branch pple) and his cell group...quite a good mix... there was the usual BBQ stuff, curry, fried bee hoon, this pork and mushroom stew that his mom made...ALL Good...

the cake was particularly yummy...could tell it was expensive stuff...heh...

i realised that cal really looks very ang moh (or at least mixed blood lah...)...yet at the same time he looked abit 'ah pek' dunno what to make of it... anyway, he still could not watch his FOUL mouth and was shooting off KNNBCCB all over the shop...i mean there were young kids around (Hong's cousins) and he just kept shooting off...sometimes ah, really must whack then can...terrible man...

you could really feel Hong's happiness last night...the friends, the ORD-ing soon, the carefree look and radiant smile and all...i really feel damn happy for him...will really miss him when he leaves though...

this coming month is going to be full of hectic weekends, alot of march/apr babies, and all got parties...21st must be super special and all...quite exciting man... i'm spending my bdae in Taiwan, training...ATEC...feeling a little sad about that...i wonder if anyone will do anything nice for me...

dunno lah, it's been awhile since i've had anything nice done for me...not being selfish or anything ah...just lacking abit of TLC...haha....anyone hear me out there!?!?!

anyway, the coming week is really going to be a boss is not around, so i'll have to be in charge...sometimes i really hate being in charge...then quite stressed about the Taiwan stuff..quite alot of things still need to be how??

aiyah...dun wanna think about it anymore...will stop now...going to mope abt the coming to my pillow....yeah, i think that's what i'll do...pillows are good mope-ees...heh...


1 comment:

Lemming said...

Mmmz, well you can put that in your resume, "My Boss was MIA most of the time, so I was the real boss." or "I oversaw a committee that consisted of 5 men with ...erm...writer's block!"

Nevertheless, I hate ATEC!