Wednesday, June 28, 2006

NKF Magic Card

This is quite funny. I stumbled across this on some Magic forum, and the guy was using it as his signature.

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Very powerful effect if you ask me...

I especially love the sacrifice (think EXPLOITATIVE) ability. Hehehe...tap (think MANIPULATIVE) the Human first, then sacrifice it...suddenly +6/+6 leh...for no reason whatsoever. Hahahaha...

(to those who don't understand this...well, I also don't know how to explain it to don't play Magic mah)

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Flyer Codex (Part 2)

This next part of the Codex will the various defence techniques individuals take on to avoid/negate the efforts of flyer distributors. There are many interesting skills involved, some more developed than others, but all unique unto themselves and all deserving equal coverage. ^_^


1. The Smiling Rejector

This skill utilises the obvious guilt-inducing effect of the human smile. It involves smiling used together with a slight shake of one's head to indicate a somewhat cheerful avoidance and resistance towards the flyer in hand.

2. The Talk-to-the Hander

This is a fairly straightforward form of rejection. A open palm is waved at the distributor's face, and that is supposed to indicate, oh-so-subtlely 'NO'. Usually used in tandem with a slight smile to soften the otherwise rude gesture. It can also be further made worse when coupled with a sour face.

3. The Liar

This is a very blatant, and usually anger-inducing, defence. It usually involves saying "I've got one already!", but the funny thing is that there is NO other flyer distributor giving out flyers for a 20metre radius! So you can safely conclude that this person may actually be a compulsive liar...heehee. When using this technique, must be very very careful hor? Cos' can generate quite a lot of negative karma you know?

4. The Floor Starer

The floor suddenly becomes very VERY interesting! These people will stare at the floor, and refuse to make eye contact. It is effective, but it is dangerous for the user as it may result in HEAD ON collision with other people, pillars, and if you're unlucky enough, oncoming traffic.

5. The Aura Generator

These beings are highly evolved because they can generate strong protective auras of anger/irritation/annoyance/杀气. These auras usually ward off most distributors and even the most 'garang' of distributors will not attempt to approach these individuals without a good evasive countermethod, or very VERY THICK SKIN. Hahaha...

Monday, June 26, 2006

Elementalist Luxon 15k Armour

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This is the latest armour that I've gotten for my Elementalist. It's dyed Black and Silver. I spent a fortune on the Black dye, but it was totally worth it. Now all I need is a cool weapon to complete the look. Nice right? I'm definitely sticking to this armour set for a long LONG time. ^_^

Thursday, June 22, 2006

They just keep getting smaller...and slimmer...

World’s Slimmest Phone: SGH-X820
GSM / GPRS (900 / 1800 / 1900MHz) + EDGE

2 Megapixel Camera

1.9” 176x220 262K Color TFT

Video Recording & Messaging (MPEG4 / H.263)
MP3 / AAC / ACC+ / AAC+ (e) / WMA
Digital Power AmpBluetooth
USB / PictBridge Document Viewer
Off-line mode

80MB embedded

113 x 50 x 6.9 mm


* Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Haiz...should've waited sia...this is what I've always wanted! The only other phone that is this flat was made by Philips, and that company is not known for their phones leh...then NOW Samsung comes up with this! Sighz.... 'gek sim' ah!
*pounds chest*

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Terrible Haircut

I am NOT a happy camper! Or in this case, a haircut-ee. Check out the terrible haircut! If you notice the RED and GREEN ovals show the difference in length of both sides of my head! The RED is longer than the GREEN! Grrrrrrrrr..........

I really wanted a haircut, but I don't wanna go to some expensive salon anymore...the GOOD barbers I know are in Yishun, but tonight I'm in Depot mah. So I happen to be at IKEA, and they have this $10/10min thing? Everyone knows about that right? Well...they SUCK! And they suck big time! Terrible terrible skill...and no professionalism at all. The woman who cut my hair for me didn't even make idle chit-chat with me. And if you think the above picture is NOT that bad...well, that's cos it's just after my shower. So the hair is still wet! When it's dry hor, damn freaking obvious lor...

Haiz, now go anywhere also confirm must put product, or wear cap liao...tmr night got a performance to attend at the Esplanades somemore...and I look like this...terrible...wanted to look nice lor...then turn out like this. $10 freaking some more.

Army barber do better job lor...and $3-4 only. *shakes head*

Lesson learnt... NEVER VISIT those STUPID Qbee/EC/dunno-WTF shops anymore. Either salon, or good ol' Malay barber at Yishun! Those are the best! Hmph!


Killing the GuildWars Sotong!

Been playing GuildWars again! So happy that my desktop is back up and running, and better than ever! Haha. The new graphics card is AWESOME! Everything just looks sharper than before. But a little more noise though. Next mission: To silence my desktop! Hahaha...must wait for Ruifeng to come back and help this computer idiot.

Here are some pictures from my recent GuildWar-ing activites:

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This is me appearing in a cinematic sequence! I get to appear cos' I was the first one in the party roster! Basically, I was leader for a mission in which I had to save young turtles! Quite silly lah, had to prevent enemies from killing baby turtles. Not that easy ok? The enemy came in HORDES and HORDES. Lucky got adult siege turtles to help us out with their siege cannons. (note: if you don't understand, then you don't doesn't matter. Haha)

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I made a new Ritualist 'sister' online. Basically all the characters have only THAT many variations mah...and some looks are more appealing than others (in a mass-marketed, generalised sense of course). Oh! There is a face that looks like Gong Li you know! Next time, I will take a picture and show you all.

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*fake British/American accent*
"Ah yes...the killing of the giant kraken is always a satisfying affair. One that requires great strategic teamwork, careful allocation of resources, and task specialisation. Healing, nuking, spiking, energy management (in-game lingo, dunno also nevermind); these were but some of the skills utilised in the slaying of this purple beast. "

(that is probably how you would have to talk if you were in an American/European (otherwise ANG MOH) guild.

Fortunately for me, I'm in a Singaporean guild! Not many instructions lah...just...

*Singaporean accent*
"CHIONG THE FREAKING SOTONG! Oei! Heal lah! You thought you Superman ah? Neber wait for healer, anyhow chiong first! Wan to die ah?"

-after a few minutes of reckless fighting, the team dies-

"wah lau...see lah! anyhow chiong, now die oreadi. stupid leh must walk ALL the way all over again...damn sian can!? haiz, ask us to help u kill sotong, then anyhow chiong, waste our time can?!"

Ah yes, that is the love we have amongst this little guild of mine. So fun! Kill SOTONG!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Flyer Codex (Part 1)

This codex was written in the coldest of environments (air conditioned NUS School of Medicine) and the chio-est of laptops (ACER Travelmate, the A4 sized one!). This ancient text will chronicle (actually I intend to write only TWO all that I know, or have observed, about the dreaded phenomenon of FLYER DISTRIBUTION. These individuals plague our streets with little advertisements printed with a strange substance they call ink on modern papyrus (I believe they call it paper), and the intention is to increase awareness of the fine establishment they represent.

In this opening chapter, I will be expounding on the various styles of flyer distribution. These techniques have been employed by most practioners of this art for many years, and I will be speaking of them in their purest and absolute forms. Of course, we all know that the true artist will develop a mix of these basic techniques and employ them to his/her advantage in this ruthless world of flyer giving.


1. The Pacifist

This technique involves sticking one's hand, with flyer in place of course, into a stream of human traffic, and usually, less often than not, the flyer should be picked up by a person or two. This technique is not proactive, and should only be utilised when the flyer giver needs to rest, or is sick of being proactive. For those who are actually introverted, non-confrontation persons, I seriously suggest you stop trying to do flyer giving as a form of earning income. You just don't have what it takes.

2. The Blocker

This technique requires a rudimentary sense of how a person will walk, especially after they have exited public transportation, or just got off an escalator. The ability to chart their lines of intended passage, even of a rudimentary level, is very powerful. Once a sense of the these lines are mapped out in the givers mental map of the environment, the commuters are easily waylayed, and hence blocked, by the giver. This often means they have to just take the flyer to get the giver out of their face. This technique works well for rushing adults who work in Shenton Way...they're often worrying about their presentation/meeting to try and avoid your flyer.

3. The Persistent Pusher

Very simple. Relentlessly hound the bugger until he/she takes the flyer from you. Very easy, but liable to get you beaten up. Please use this technique with discretion and care. In other words, choose your 'victims' carefully. A yuppy in a Gucci suit and wearing a Prada bag, is less likely to have the number to summon a lorry full of parang (long knife used for hacking anything) wielding ah bengs (hooligans) on his speed dial.

4. The Smiling Eyelocker

A common technique that works best on women. You do not have to be devastatingly good-looking (though it helps) for this to work (but if you were THAT good looking, what are you doing giving out flyers?!). This involves proactively seeking out 'victims', and first establish eye contact. This mutual connection (even if brief) signals that you have CHOSEN them as prey, and even if they try to run, you already have established the desire to 'hunt' them.

So after the eyelock, utilise the smile to guilt them into taking the flyer. By projecting a positive self-image, this forces the person to believe that you are truly a nice person (and are not trying to fire arrows of guilt into their hearts) and they should be compelled to take a flyer from you.

(note: there are certain defenses that are impervious to this technique, but those are few, this technique is my favourite.)

5. The Guilt-er

This technique involves using whatever means possible to guilt an unsuspecting individual into taking your flyer. Usually it involves complaining about how if they take your last flyer, you can then go home for dinner with your parents. Or they share a bit of their life (sob) story to invoke pity (note: this story may, or may not be true). These technique is slightly tiring, and somewhat integrity hurting. It is however fairly useful, and works if you really need to finish up the last few flyers. However, prolonged usage is not recommended as lying that your parents are on their deathbed, and that you need the $ not only needs a healthy dose of acting skills, but also does wonders for increasing negative-karma. Talk about karmic debt man.

(note: some techniques are used in tandem, or in succession to achieve maximum success and to decrease boredom. Flyer distribution is not exactly rocket science you know)

This is fun...sorta....

Here's a random thing that Beth did for me...


1. i’ll respond with something random about you
- skittles!
2. i’ll challenge you to try something
- kiss your lover in public!
3. i’ll pick a colour that i associate with you
- green!
4. i’ll tell you something i like about you
- you’re great fun to bitch with!
5. i’ll tell you my first/clearest memory of you
- ummm you in SJI uniform sitting at lower cafe benches!
6. i’ll tell you what animal you remind me of
- Timon from Lion King?
7. i’ll ask you something i’ve always wanted to ask you
- what would you have done if i’d told you i liked you!
8. if i do this for you, you must post this on your blog
- hee hee!

If you comment on this post:
1. i’ll respond with something random about you
2. i’ll challenge you to try something
3. i’ll pick a colour that i associate with you
4. i’ll tell you something i like about you
5. i’ll tell you my first/clearest memory of you
6. i’ll tell you what animal you remind me of
7. i’ll ask you something i’ve always wanted to ask you
8. if i do this for you, you must post this on your blog

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Here's a difficult choice to make, do you feed someone's addiction, or do you forcibly try to stop it? If that person was a good friend, and he was addicted to, say, alcohol, do you give him $ to buy more of the stuff, or do you snatch the bottle away from him and help him to get sober?

(trust me, there are MANY things a person can be addicted to aside from substances. People have been known to cling on to their other 'vices' - procrastination, misery, sadness, pain, anger, confusion, failure etc. - the list is ENDLESS)

Options available:

1. Pretend to be 'hao ren' and sayang the person, tell him it's okay and everything will alright. Basically lie to the bugger and whisper sweet nothings into his ear that will KEEP him stuck in his alcoholic stupor.

2. Snatch the bottle away, and if he tries to fight you, rap him over the head with it, or just pour all the freaking alcohol away. Then make him go 'cold turkey' to get him to kick the habit.

I seriously do not know which option is the better one. Do you do 1 or 2? But having said that hor, I just hate it when I see something wrong, and the person doesn't, but yet that person whines/complains about it day in and day out, and EXPECTS me to do 1 to him. He claims to be seeking a solution, but in fact, he's just seeking people who will FEED his addiction, people who will pity him for him being in a pathetic state, and are willing to give him money to buy MORE alcohol. And the saddest thing is that there ARE actually idiots who don't know what he is trying to do, and fall hook, line and sinker for his 苦肉计!!! How dumb is that?!

I would think a true friend would tell him straight away the fucked up state he is in, and help him to realise that he needs help! Haiz...but the most important point is still that the addicted person must have the slightest want to help himself. Then 2 will work. If the addict does not have that want, and instead fights you to the death...there is usually NO WAY you can help him. Because when it comes to the other addictions, there is no bottle to throw away, there is no white powder/needles/candles/glue pot to dispose of, there is only a mental addiction that the addict has to be willing to acknowledge before any real work can be done.

Why do you think people who are heroin abusers and alcoholics have to say the lines, "Hi everyone. My name is _____, and I'm an alcoholic/heroin abuser." Then everyone will reply, "Hi ____!". Acceptance/acknowledgement is the first step to recovery/change, and when that is done in a group environment where everyone is clear about each others' commitment to THAT want-for-recovery/change, then you get a lot of support from the group. Like, HELLO, it's not called a SUPPORT GROUP for nothing you know.

That same basic premise applies to everything you ever wanted to CHANGE in your life. You must be:

1. Be AWARE of the need for change. (Recognising that there is a problem or something that needs changing)

2. Be WILLING to change, and to do what is necessary to achieve it.

You need both in order to make a difference in your life. Lack of one or the other, will result in NIL movement/change in your life. Simple simple formula...very VERY HARD to apply.

The above rant was written because of the frustration I felt when I saw my friend wallow in his self-deprecation and when I pointed out, oh-so-frankly, the things that I felt, and I saw, were wrong, he promptly dropped me like a hot coal, and avoided me like the plague.

This is the power of addiction.

You are so stuck in your ways, that when a clear voice tries to tell you what is wrong (only because you did ASK for the truth, and I was only sharing my observation), you decide to CLING desperately to your addiction. Although I have declared that I will always stand for you, I will always say can run forever, and NOTHING will change. You can find a buttload of friends who will always do Option 1 for you, but in the end, you know the truth is that you are still as f***ed as before.

In the eternal words of Jack Nicholson and Tom Cruise, starring in A Few Good Men:
Jessep(JN): You want answers?
Kaffee(TC): I think I'm entitled.
Jessep: You want answers?
Kaffee: I want the truth!
Jessep: You can't handle the truth!
If you are reading this, I just hope you will find the courage one day to face your truth. And everything else will fall into place. Sighz.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

some people are just plain AMAZING...

You know how we sometimes make friends on the Internet, and sometimes we actually feel comfortable enough to add these anonymous people to our MSN list. Well, here's an MSN conversation that did not end too pleasantly, but I still feel can post lah...heck care, cos' I'm a little miffed at the way people try different tactics and when things fail, they just bail. Here goes:

12:13:47 AM
j i a n
ok lor
12:13:49 AM
j i a n
holiday also busy
12:13:53 AM
j i a n
i rest my case
12:13:59 AM
j i a n
part time work mah
12:14:17 AM
j i a n
sure got ime ma
12:14:21 AM
j i a n
i am not asking whole day
12:14:22 AM
j i a n
12:14:26 AM
j i a n
see how sincere you are lor
12:14:46 AM
j i a n
woah, guilt tactic
12:14:48 AM
j i a n
not bad not bad
12:15:05 AM
j i a n
too bad it doesn't really work on me.... u have to do much better dear
12:15:36 AM
j i a n
errrr... ok
12:15:38 AM
j i a n
then nvm la
12:15:41 AM
j i a n
take care then
12:15:43 AM
j i a n
12:15:44 AM
j i a n
nice knowing you
12:15:46 AM
j i a n
12:15:47 AM
j i a n
12:15:55 AM
j i a n
no wonder you dun have friends
12:16:00 AM
j i a n

So once you read the above see that this person accuses me of being INSINCERE, and then when I shoot back that he's using a 'guilt tactic', he shoots back that I don't have any friends. My first reaction was, 'THE NERVE!', but then it was instantly replaced by inner laughter.

As if I need a total stranger's comment to validate my friend-making ability. And it was such a 'little girl' kinda comment to make. You know when you have nothing to say, but you still so desperately want to have the LAST SAY. Then in an attempt to achieve that, you just spout some nonsense like - 'Whatever!', 'As if...', or even, 'Ugggggggghhhhhhhhh... *stomps off idignantly*'.

This is the first time I've been blocked and deleted from MSN. It is an amazing experience though.'s just so interesting to chart this person's emotional shift within a few short lines of MSN conversation. Ah well, I've lost a 'friend' I guess, but if this person has the mental capacity and ability of a 7 year old...I guess I really have problems picking 'em, wouldn't you say? ^_^

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Suki Sushi is quite good sia...

Started my day early in the morning. Went to collect my tuition money from the CMI China kid...hope he improves his English, or dies trying...hahaha. And yes, I am bitter because I was all up for the challenge of teaching a boy who cannot even pronounce/recognise this word - 'THE'. I kid you not, that is how bad this kid is man...and he is 16 already. May the powers that be bless him...NOT!

It's particularly annoying when I learn from the tuition agent that his mother cancelled the class because she found someone CHEAPER! Sheesh, I mean, cheaper does not mean better, and my agent charges the STANDARD TUITION RATE! I get the same rates from all other agents. This agent/teacher she found is obviously out to start a price war man...good luck to him/her...teaching that CMI boy.

(ok, vindictive rant over..whew, can breathe easier abit... ^_^)

I met up with Jeff today! Been a long time since I've seen this bugger (and I mean that in the most affectionate of terms ok?). We just hung out and lazed around town lah...went window shopping, but did not managed to spot anything interesting though. I seriously need new clothes as well... getting very VERY bored with my old stuff. I think I have to tahan until the Thailand trip, then I can go to town with creating my new wardrobe...heehee

We had lunch at Suki Sushi, which was buffet (yes, feeling the sins of the buffet-eater)...damn good man... $16.90++, and I'm quite sure 85% of their menu was included lor...very very satisfying....heh. Problem is, now I've to go and hit the gym tomorrow morning already...feeling the guilt...and the oil from the soft-shelled crab. Hah!

Paul is supposed to be back today, but I've yet to hear from him leh...wonder when will he appear. I wanna meet up! MEET UP!!! ^_^

Here are some photos from today:

This one call Jeff. My fwen...

On the left is called decadent OYSTERS. On the right is called decadent SCALLOPS. Eat these two dishes for a one-way ticket to gastronomic hell, and it even comes with a free life buoy of waist-line body fat to boot! You don't get a deal better than that man! ^_^

Monday, June 12, 2006

Four million smiles welcome the world

Hehheh, I just submitted my photo! Now my face is part of this mural that is being put together! haha...

Check it out!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Happy Birthday Girl!

Yesterday went for Yiting's 21st Birthday party. Early by one week, but what the heck! She catered Thai food from Siam Kitchen, it wasn't too bad. Quite nice. Yumm!

Kel, Ling Shen and I attended (Xinwei too busy in Thailand..but he got share in prezzie too! Hah!). Had a lot fun talking nonsense, and patronising some silly girlfriend of Yiting's. Hahaha..

This is the birthday girl with her PINK Hello Kitty wrapped prezzie! (Don't you think she 长大了?) HeehHee... *naughty grin*

I love this picture!!! ^_^

The after the party, us three guys went to roam the streets of Orchard Road, and chit-chatted until 3am. Hahaha...So terrible hor?

Before the party I was assisting at this course of self-discovery called The Courage to Create (TCC). Thought of sharing my experience again with everyone. Go read and see if anything interesting comes up ok?

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Summoning Technique: Golden Phoenix

I was surfing Friendster (yes, that's how bored I was) and I found this guy...damn freaking farnie...must share with everyone. I don't know him lah. I was using the 'Search' function and just typing random names into my 2nd degree friends to see who I'd get...and I found this Marcus (looks a bit like Adam Chen) person...damn farnie.

I think it must be because I will away for the weekend, so that's why I am having this urge to give an extra helping of blog content for those who actually bother to read this blog (which always amazes me time and time again). I will be totally MIA for the whole of tomorrow and a good part of Saturday. I will still be contactable via mobile, so if it's very very important, or you just wanna drop me an sms/call to tell me you love me (yes, I am in a SHAMELESS mood), feel free to do so ok?

*Ting - see you on Saturday evening! So exciting! Can't wait for the party! Heehee... ^_^

(sadly, you must watch Naruto to fully appreciate the humour in this series of photos that I, umm...*ahem* 'liberated', from his profile. All pictures have been unedited and captions are exactly as they appear in his Friendster gallery.)

Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Kin Fushichou
(Summoning Technique - Golden Phoenix)

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Step 1: "Blood Sacrifice"

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Step 2: Marking of Animal using "Blood"

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Step 3: 1st Hand Seal

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Step 4: 2nd Hand Seal

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Step 5: Final Hand Seal - Tori (Bird)

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Step 6: Marking of Summoning Point on ground by focusing Chakra on palm

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Step 7: *POOF!!!!!!*

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Step 8: Golden Phoenix Summoning....SUCCESS!!!!!

People I Miss...

Lazy Thursday morning, and I am feeling sleepy and thinking about people that I've been missing during this period of time...let's post a nice long list, along with reasons and all that...cos' I've nothing to do at the moment.

(The order of names will come in a 'top-of-the-mind' is always the case when you generate random lists of what not)

1. Leonard - This 瓜 is in Vietnam enjoying himself, and will only be back on the 17th of June...he's been having fun eating spiders and visiting Cambodia. I miss his company, and the bio-clock-screwing phone calls, and the PS2-ing, and just hanging out doing nothing in particular. Hai-ya-ku come home! We're supposed to do the W&G marathon when you get back, yeah? Seasons 1-4! Miss you!

2. Vincent - This one is in Pangkor at the moment. Summer (our universities can be SOOO pretentious sometimes, SG where got summer wan?) term module in Geography. Enjoying in M'sia least he quite got (健)良心 will call me from time to time to chit-chat abit and 问候 me. Sorry about not being able to help you with the Lonely Planet thing lah...I'm busy this week lah, especially the weekend. Sorry leh. Seeya on the 17th...

3. Paul - Hurry up lah...why the 13th still not here yet! Bestest bud from, errrrr...since EVER I still stuck in England. Quickly come back leh...miss you a lot a lot...'nuff said. ^_^

4. Xinwei - You in Thailand SOOOOOO long liao...quick quick come home leh! Wanna hear all about your trip...just don't bombard me with too much Thai, I never understand it you know...hahaha. And yes, the weight-gain, and over-exposure to carbon monoxide fumes will be overlooked...I'm sure you'll still be as pretty as before...hahaha

5. Nicholas - Also stuck in England...coming back only in July...sheesh. Bleah...

6. Nat - Missed. Gone out with already. Placated. Haha...

7. Jianping - Hmm...I really wish things could be okay again...but I think very very difficult. I also don't know why cannot...really cannot meh? So hard ah?

8. Army friends (Jianhong, Weiquan, Calvin, Bronson, George...and even Terence..hahaha) - These were my bestest friends in unit, 1GUARDS. Love them all too bits...all of us went through the rigors of HQ life, the politics, the slacking, the dealing-with-higher-ups-who-sometimes-have-pace sticks-up-their-asses, the sending of childish emails here and there (not forgetting the devious skill of CC-ing the respective 靠山to get our way), and not forgetting the FUN! We really should catch up soon...but everyone is so FREAKING busy...Grrrrrrrrrrrr.........

9. Benjamin korkor - My cousin who is stuck in Aussieland. And yes, I do still call him korkor...I'm not THAT grown up's one of those things that will almost, never change mah. He's just as crappy as me, and we grew up together lah. Maybe I should fly down there to surprise him? OH WAIT...I need $$$ for that...hahaha

10. Jobeth - I did not know that I miss her, until I went out with her. She's still as funny, and happy, and yeah. Glad you are doing okay Beth. Stay happy and good luck for your final year...hahaha... (*sniff* no more lobangs for performances liao...sianz)

11. Jeff - my favourite boy...met each other playing Magic at Bishan in 2004...been friends ever since...still amazed that I made a friend through playing a firm friend, not just a fleeting acquaintance ^_^

Okay okay...I've exhausted my 'top-of-the-mind' memory liao...if you're not on this list, then you aren't. Does it mean I've forgotten you? Nope. Does it mean I don't think of you? Maybe. Does it mean you should mope and feel annoyed? Up to you. Does it make you feel annoyed enough to want to call me and give me a piece of your mind? Please do! Then we can catch up.


Wednesday, June 07, 2006

eat eat eat...jialat...

Yesterday and today were 'eat-eat-eat' days...which usually tranlates to 'bad-bad-bad'. I met up with Aloy (he's the Birthday Boy leh! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!) and Des Z yesterday we had a nice dinner at NYDC, Wheelock Place. The plan was to watch The Omen, but the only tickets left were the first two rows way was I going to crane my neck until it breaks or something man...bleah

He looks so happy with his Romeo & Juliet oven-baked rice...LOL

My Mushroom Attack pasta, and Desmond's LaTuna Tuna Sandwich & Toffeenut Elephancino...sheer decadence! ^_^

Then today I met up with Russell, Joseph and Kelvin for so catch up and talk cock. I love these guys to bits lah...they've always been around and a part of my life...dunno what I'd do without them. I'm happy Russ and Kel are coming to NUS...Jo ah Jo ah...why you not coming? LOL. Anyway, today supposed to eat dinner then bowling, but everyone abit broke and not in the mood, so we just ate, and ate...and well, ate lor...of course talk a lot of nonsense in between lah...

I did not know that desserts at Coffee Club were SOOOOO time must bring more people there to 享受...heehee

Kel and myself. I look a bit crappy (as usual) but since Kel so 'shuai' I sacrifice lor...wahahaha

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This is Russell acting cute with his Maple Walnut Cheesecake...

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Kel's Banana Butterscotch Cheesecake. Love the bananas!

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Jo's Lychee 'whatcha-ma-call-it'... very very 'cheem' name okay? I cannot remember...

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My Muddy Mud Pie! Mountainous! It was about 12cm high can? Resting in a pool of thick, dark, chocolate sauce....sighz....HEAVENNNNN.....

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A 无聊 photo that my bro and I took together for fun. I was on my way to gym, and he to his judo training camp...haha. He really is a bloated version of me meh? All of you so bad one...he's just bigger built than me mah...

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Great Weekend... ^_^

Had a great weekend this week. :)

Saturday was spent resting for the most part...tired from clubbing the previous night mah...then Saturday evening went to meet Matt for coffee and cake of Holland V's TCC. Just relaxed and chill out lor...he din tell me he wanted to go out lah, so since I did not know...I wore berms can? time let me know mah..then I can 'pei'

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My drink...Iced Minty Mocha

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His drink...forgot what it was...

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The shared Devil's Chocolate wasn't THAT devilish...

That was caffeine + chocolate overdose night...wahaha
====================================================================================================== Sunday was 'go and buy ting-ting's bdae present' day! So I met Kel and Lingshen at City Hall, and we went for lunch at Marina Food Loft.

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The above are shots of the picturesque view you get if you dine outside of air-conditioned comfort...wahahaha...this is the place where you can go for a romantic dinner that won't burn a hole in your wallet...hahaha...BUDGET SIA! (very nice view hor?)

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Okok, random cake picture to show off my camera...heehee

So I met up with Nat after buying all the stuff I was supposed to buy for people..

1. Vincent! Bought your 1GB thumbdrive liao...very chio one! $69 hor! Hahaha...
2. Ting! Hope you enjoy your new webcam...Kel is going to wrap until glam-glam for you...hahaha

So I head back to Nat's place first, cos he complain very uncomfortable in jeans and shoes...needs his slippers and berms...hahaha

We ended up walking for an HOUR from Siglap all the way to Eastwood Shopping Centre can?! Alighted too early, but it was still great fun lah. I from not hungry, walk until hungry...damn are more pictures of our hour long walk and the end result! ^_^

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Cool right? I also want a secret-ish back door to my home lor...machiam Secret Garden like that...hahaha

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This was our eat the excellent HOME MADE ice cream...I had Banana Walnut and Mango Tango, whilst Nat had the D24 Durian and Banana Choc...I tell ah, dunno how to describe leh...DAMN SHIOK!!!!!!! Excellent ice cream! Made with REAL FRUITS and joke.

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Check out the large chunk of frozen mango! FWAH!!! Orgasmic man.....

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The end results of two very VERY satisfied may actually be better than sex...Nat was saying the hour long walk may have helped too...hahaha ^_^

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Check out the interesting sign we found outside the strudel considerate right? Talk about good customer service. This was the first place in Singapore to bring apple strudel to our sunny island from Aussieland you know! Hahaha..

Anyway, I really missed you leh...glad we could spend the day was fun. Exploring the East side of Singapore is NOT that bad...hahaha

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Nokia 6125

So anyway, the new phone is great. It's alot like my old phone (which is why I like it so much), with a lot more functions and memory. I discovered something interesting about the 6125. It automatically accords voice tags to every entry in my Contacts list. So you can actually hit 'play voice tag' and it 'reads' the name out in some robotic voice. The amazing thing is that it also does Chinese! So cool right?!?!?!

The camera is just as good, and actually better because I can choose from a range of photo sizes and the 1.3 megapixel resolution helps as well. Heehee... ^_^ And the added memory means I can add more mp3s into my phone and use them as ringtones! Woohoo! I do however wanna complain about not being able to delete the existing ringtones/pics/screensavers from the phone...I wanna free up memory you know...sighz

I think I should get a miniSD card from the PC show on Sunday...yes, I am going again to get a prezzie for my fren...heehee. I think 512MB should be a comfortable size right? What do you guys think?
Video time!!! Aiman shared this with me...FREAKING FARNIE, I love David Spade!

Friday, June 02, 2006

PC Show rocks!

Happy day today! I went to the PC show with Mom, and she bought stuff for me! The initial intent was to buy a graphics card with a budget of $320. But in the end, we bought a handphone and a graphics card! Mommy paid for the phone, and I paid for the graphics card.
Total spent $416...

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My new Nokia 6125! $168 only! Plus free $50 Takashimaya voucher, and I got a free Age of Empire III game (worth $49.90)!

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The graphics card that DID NOT work...which means that something else is spoilt...sianz...I think I need to send it to the motherboard company liao...sianz...sadness..

In the meantime, I guess I'll just have to enjoy my new handphone lor...charging it now...yay! ^_^

Thursday, June 01, 2006

She's The Man

Watched a movie just now with Rafiq! Very very nice show...predictable, but still funny and definitely worth it lah...if you love Amanda Bynes, you must watch this show. Plus, there are so many shuai-ges and mei-nus inside...optical candy shop!

I must say that Amanda Bynes is one of the few young actresses who is NOT tearing her life apart right now...but then again, it IS Hollywood...who knows what secrets she holds...ah well, for now she looks healthy and full of until drugs, sex, and scandals claim her, let us all enjoy her for the wonderful performer that she is! ^_^

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The official poster!

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Amanda as a boy...not bad right? Looks quite androgynous if I do say so myself...heehee (Channing Tatum looks mighty fine too!)

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BOY GETS GIRL! Awwwww......sweetness. (Black tie affairs always look so good...)